I read a report about a Microsoft programming contest site that got hacked last week. I did a double take because I'd assumed Microsoft was past this sort of thing by now what with their sites being the most targeted and all. But they keep getting hacked and they keep making excuses.
Although a big embarrassment to themselves, Microsoft is hardly alone in the ranks of the hacked. So instead of focusing on the Redmond giant alone, I want to dedicate this piece to all the shops who've had their sites hacked repeatedly and have taken no significant steps to stop the problem.
The truth is that it is possible to run bulletproof sites. I can confidently state that there is enough technology and expertise out there to stop 99% of attacks lobbed at a site and preempt the other 1%. I know this because I have been involved setting up secure sites and detecting potential attacks.
I know that, although there might be attacks that sneak through, a properly architectured site can handle even those that get past the first lines of defense.
The first thing to do in implementing security for an online site or application (or any application for that matter) is to make security part of the fundamental design of both software and hardware configuration.
It is indispensable that a security-oriented culture pervade all IT teams: development, deployment, network, hardware configuration/provisioning, architecture, project management, business analysts, etc. In the same way that we debug and refactor code, we need to make security a basic requirement.
The worse way to implement security is as an afterthought. This may take one of two forms. The most egregious case is when security is only mentioned into after a major breach. This usually leads to some directive to the effect that everyone should "secure" their applications, etc. Developers may add to their projects code that is claimed to fix the problem (which they copied from somewhere or another) and the problem is considered "solved"... until the next breach when the rinse cycle is repeated.
The other method is barely better. I call this the "someone found religion" way of dealing with security. This is when some project manager goes to a security conference, comes back all fired up, and a memo is sent to all developers to "please remember" to add security to their code as if it were salt for their boiled eggs. Such memoes merely acknowledged before everyone gets back to business as usual.
The way to really tackle security is to deal with it at ever stage of development. From the very first moment that a business analyst hands off a set of requirements to the architect, security has to be the sine-qua-non of every subsequent stage. Every component or feature is to be planned and tested with security in mind.
Developers must be rewarded for finding and caulking security holes. Security needs to be included in every estimate and budget. Security must be the number one show-stopper in every release.
The application should not be signed off on until exhaustive security testing is done. Security is to be part of unit, regression and integration testing. Security should account for no less than 25% of all QA scripts and must be included in the UAT process as we;;.
With such a culture, embarrassing. money-losing breaches will become a thing of the past.
A lot of people might grumble that this position is not practical, that tight deadlines get in the way. Well, here is how you fit security into the real world, reengineer your operation until you can. Many shops have already done it, so there are plenty of examples to learn from.
Maybe the problem is release cycles or division of labor. Perhaps development methodologies are at fault. There could be a need to modify the technology mix or drop inefficient technologies. The truth is that, as our applications gain size and importance, we need to take security as seriously as automakers are required to.
Do you want to be responsible for the next theft of millions of credit card numbers or multimillion dollar losing e-commerce site crash? If you don't want to have to deal with the guilt and embarrassment which no amount of finger pointing will assuage, then you must make security a part of your development process today.
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