Many a project manager is pressed to, or concerned about, measuring developer productivity and some reach for the lowest hanging fruit : lines of code. It is unbelievable he kind of things that still go on some IT shops!
This is not only an imprecise metric in encourages code bloat and other bad programming practices while discouraging mainstays of good programming such as debugging and refactoring.
Some who agree with my points above may be devotees of another less metric that is slightly less misleading: the number of builds or check-ins. While it is true that a productive developer is likely to check in and build code often, an unproductive developer can easily game this system to appear most productive.
Yet another way of measuring productivity is by means of bug report or enhancement request tickets. This is probably the most realistic method of gathering developer productivity metrics, but it can also be misleading. In some cases the incident response system is also used for billing a client. This does not necessarily translate as tempting as it might be.
So, how do you reliably and fairly measure developer productivity? You don't. To put it a better way, you shouldn't have to. A bug tracking/change request tool is very useful but it should be used the way sports teams used game videos to learn from past experiences and improve performance.
Hold on to that sports analogy because that is a good place to be. A development shop is a team effort and what makes a developer valuable is how much a contribution he/she makes. Although different metrics may point to the top performers, a good project manager needs to be wise enough to know the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and position him/her for maximum impact.
The productivity measured and relied on most should be that of the team. This is not to say that we should give cover to freeloaders and underperformers; these should be dealt with as soon and as severely as possible. This means that sometimes more can be achieved as we realize that software development is more like a barn raising than a marathon.
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