Monday, December 8, 2008

Patterns and Other Buzzwords

Recently I was reading another blog post by way of Slashdot about MVC which reminded me of a pet peeve I think is worth bringing up.

Let me begin by saying that architectural patterns like MVC or software design patterns like Singleton are a wonderful way to encapsulate high or mid-level software structures for easy re-use or combination.

Like plays in an NFL team's playbook, they provide the software developer with prepackaged strategies or tools to tackle a particular problem. Therefore I can only recommend that developers learn all they can about as many patterns as they can and stretch their brains figuring out under what conditions each could best be utilized.

What is sickening, if not disheartening, is to see such great concepts reduced to buzzwords. Too many developers plan their projects with merely the buzzwords in mind — damned be reliability, adequacy, security, scalability or the customer/user's needs. Its all about saying that they got to use the Facade pattern combined with the Abstract Factory along with the Observer, the Visitor and the Active Object patterns and ... oh, it was all very MVC.

This is putting the cart ahead of the horse. The right way to do it is to begin by assessing what needs to be done and then choosing the right tools for the job.

In the same way that we are careful about hardware provisioning and platform, IDE, and language choice, we should plan our choice or patterns to match the desired result. This might mean that mid-project we may have to dump some patterns chosen earlier and enlist others. It may mean that we may have to increase the complexity of the project or simplify it —usually the latter. The point is the finished product should be the focus of all our efforts. The cult of buzzwords can only hurt the quality of our work.

And before I go, I should remind everyone that no amount of buzzwords can replace well-written code and proper documentation. These two cannot be emphasized enough. Many developers enjoy indulging in obfuscation without realizing that they are making it easier for the next guy to blame them even for new bugs introduced into their murky code.

So, do yourself a favor, forget the buzzwords. Choose the patterns that suit your project or invent your own if there is none that can fit — hard to imagine but the existing patterns had to be invented at some point. Refactor as much as you can — think of refactoring as preemptive debugging (if often is). Document as much as you can, either through a tool or by means of helpful comments in code; often an older you will be your most avid reader.

And finally, learn as much as you can about design patterns, especially their strengths and weaknesses. Patterns are very powerful if used judiciously, but disastrous when used carelessly. Now go change the world with your code.

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